Monday, October 27, 2014

Vigil for the fallen soldiers in Montreal Tomorrow. at 6pm

Some of the Muslim women with whom I used to protest what was going on in Syria last year and the year before, are having a vigil for the fallen Canadian soldiers of last week. I think it's especially significant that it was organized by Muslims, to point out to those around them that not all Muslims are extremists and that most love their adopted country and some have even been here for generations.

I want to go, not sure I will find the time. Here are the details.

I'm not going to say much on the political cartoon in the Journal the Montreal which had a ceinture fleche as a headscarf, under an arabic banner that says "There is only one God". The two French guys who adopted the radical Islam as a religion were not Metis and they were mentally unstable. They could have chosen any other radical movement. I bet in the 70's they would have been part of the FLQ!  However political cartoons are often incredibly offensive and this one was no different.

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