Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Dating sites

Why is it the majority of men on dating sites, are either in photos with their car, truck, or their guitars or bass, or even with their children?  Like they need a gimmick.

Dunno when I look at a photo of a man I want to date, I don't want to see his kids. I don't want to see his truck or his guitar, it's distracting and makes me think he's got so little personality he needs to worship his guitar or his truck.

And don't get me started on the percentage of men who have horrible pictures. Like really the picture of you looking bored stiff and with a bad hair day isn't going to impress anyone.   And no they won't just notice the guitar at that point, they will also notice that you're making up for bad hair with a guitar!

One of the sites I was on, I had men as far away as Australia hitting on me. Which is flattering, but as I messaged a couple,  I told them I was looking for someone to go camping or canoeing with and the commute from Australia would be epic. One guy I had to spell out that he's over 1500miles away, and no, I have zero interest in a long distance relationship.  I can make friends online anywhere. I know this and I'm good with it.

On a dating site I'm not looking for long distance friends, I'm looking for local people that I can get together with in person from time to time. 

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