Wednesday, June 06, 2012

My youngest got her University Degree today!!!!

My baby holding her diploma!
Today I went to watch my youngest receive her university diploma. A very proud moment in the life of a mother. I will NOT be made to feel guilty because I went to her graduation ceremony. My joy as a mother to see my child blossom into a young woman with a university degree will not be damped by the protesting students and their supporters. 

I mean I never got to see either daughter graduate from High school. I got to see my eldest graduate from "navy boot camp" and my youngest today from university. These are very special moments in the life of a mother and I would never get back the opportunity to share with my daughters these milestones.  I would have gone to my eldest' university graduation if she had attended but since she is currently sailing on the HMCS Moncton now, it's a moot point. 

This in no way takes away the fact that I feel that education in Quebec should be free and I support the movement, but it's pretty petty of them to bitch me out for supporting my children!

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