Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hoarding, therapy and amusement.

I've been seeing my therapist for over a year, possibly close to 2 years, and he specializes in children with learning disabilities though he will treat adults that fit in that sub category as well, just he has more children patients.  I've been finding it amusing at times and not so amusing at other times, how often my appointments get moved around or shifted. 

We agree on an appointment and 2 or 3 weeks later his assistant will email me to ask if my appointment can be changed. Sometimes like the session in February, it was cancelled due to some unforeseen circumstances on his behalf. This turned out to be a godsend since I was in bed sick as a dog! 

I went to see him last night for the first time in 3 months,  and he calls me in, but the people in the waiting room ask if he wasn't supposed to see them.  I know my appointment was confirmed the night before and he called me in so I know I'm the person booked, but apparently he was double booked. He told me somewhat embarrassed that it wasn't the first time.  I joked with him, it's not so bad to double book so long as you don't do it to the same patient more then once :P

Therapy has been very helpful this time around. I finally have the best understanding of myself. Knowing I have ADHD is so helpful. It permits me to be less harsh with myself and more forgiving. It's normal for a person with ADHD to make a lot of mistakes and to be distracted. If I don't beat myself up over it, then I'm a lot less angry. The important part is to catch the mistakes, not to be hard on myself.  Next session I find out if it appears that I have co-morbidities with it. I mean other then OCD which I'm been aware I have since I was fairly young.  So long as I watch my diet and take care of myself the OCD stays well under control. 

Also my last fear, the fear of becoming a hoarder, might pass because I'm slowly getting rid of things instead of hoarding.  I'm hoping my friends with the new apartment take some of the extra furniture I have.  The less stuff there is in my house the more cathartic it will be for me.

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