Thursday, December 15, 2011

Proud Mother of an outstanding leading seaman.

I have a lot to day but it may take me a while to blog it all. 

For today I'll stick with the fact my eldest called me from her ship to tell me she passed her 'A ticket'. What it means is that she was an ordinary seaman [ grade you have right after boot camp] when she started this course a month ago, and now that she graduated, she skipped a grade and is now leading seaman.  Of all the ones in her class, she is the only one who got the mention "outstanding" by the training staff.

So today on my 49th birthday I am the proud mother of a leading seaman!

1 comment:

  1. Leading Seaman Orianne-Walker! What a mouthful haha. There's a tiny tiny chance I'll get the promotion tomorrow, but most likely I'll get it during a January training day.


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