Saturday, November 26, 2011

Occupons Montreal/Occupy Montreal - Arrests?

Yesterday there was one arrest because the person got physical with the police.  The others were not arrested, they were detained for 40 minutes and released far away from the square and told to stay away 24 hours, otherwise they would be arrested charged and fined.  Some policemen suggested that it wasn't their doing, that it was someone much much higher up the chain who wanted the protesters out. The fact that the tent city was removed from Square Victoria is certainly NOT the end of the movement. It is just the beginning :)

There's a HUGE occupy Montreal support day at People's Place today. Come one come all!

These are the activities for the day 
Samedi, 26 novembre à la Place du Peuple

11:00 Manifestation à Ottawa contre le C-10
11:00 Méditation à la statue
12:00 Grand rassemblement de soutien à Occupons Montreal
12:00 Préparation de l'AG: Groupe de travail de Facilitation
13:00 Assemblée Générale / General Assembly
15:00 GRAND SPECTACLE avec : Les Zapartistes + Bran Van 3000
16:00 Réunion: Des choses à Saveurs Féministes et Anti-Oppression
16:00 Réunion du comité de philosophie politique
17:30 Chorale
18:00 Réunion comité Environnement et salubrité de la place du peuple

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