Saturday, November 05, 2011

A few photos from Occupy Montreal - Day 20

I didn't take many pictures last night at "La Place du Peuple". It didn't help that I was aggressively chewed out by some young chick who thinks the world owes her something. Some guy was in a lawn chair and she was sitting on top of him, they were all bundled in blankets and I thought it was cute - I was going to take a photo with the comment "Some find ways to stay warm at Occupy Montreal". So I walked back towards this couple and before I could open my mouth to ask if I can take their photo, this girl just tore me a new one. I just walked away, not worth my time of day, and besides I sensed she was looking for a fight and if I had argued back she would have gotten violent with me. 

In general last night the mood at "La place du peuple" was tense. The folks at the kitchen were upset, both because of the media representation and because of the way they are being treated by some others. When the kitchen needs volunteers people should volunteer. The kitchen does not provide meat. This makes sense, without a fridge with constant temperature they cannot ensure the meat will keep. So it's a vegetarian kitchen. Apparently some have issues with that.  The kitchen volunteers basically said that if things do not improve they will only serve white rice! I support them 100%

There was also people annoyed at the various bickering between the subgroups. It's like everything else, why can't we all get along :)  But these are just growing pains and these problems will get resolved. It's normal to have these kind of problems when you put large number of unknown people together and should not me misconstrued that the Occupation is failing. It is not failing, the awareness is growing.

The photo's are here  that I took last night at Square Victoria. Going back today for the March at 3pm, which is highly symbolic, Remember, Remember, the 5th of November. 

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