Thursday, October 20, 2011

Yemen - When will Saleh go?

It's been a comedy with the leader of Yemen, who's been promising for months to sign the deal brokered by the GCC to have him leave, following the will of the people. After the blast in Sana'a that injured all his security as well as himself, he went to Saudi Arabia for treatment. The Saudi's even if they aren't ready for changes in their own country realize that they have to keep Yemen from descending into civil war, because otherwise they lose ability to ship their oil out of their country. 

I read recently to my amusement that the Saudi's though Saleh was flying to Ethiopia [I think] where he has property, but he ended back in Sana'a to the surprise of everyone.  If the Saudi's had known they would not have given him permission to leave. Or so I read, like I said earlier with amusement. Now Saleh is back in Yemen and the protests have turned more violent as his supporters try desperately to hold on to him.

Tawakul Karman was in New York, continuing to be a champion for the rights of the Yemeni people. Women in Sana'a have continued to march despite the indignation of Saleh supporters who feel men and women should not be seen together in public.    Here's hoping that gender segregation in some parts of the world slowly disappears. It's not healthy for societies to keep their genders apart. 

 Today Saleh is seeking guarantees for his departure.  He's seeing the writing on the wall but is slow to move on it. The sooner the better as things are deteriorating and we do not need another Syria.

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