Friday, June 10, 2011

One Week Vacation

I decided to take next week off, and I hope that my neighbour isn't working in his yard the entire week. He's currently building a 6ft fence around this property. He's got the corner property so it's a big property.  So he's outside with the radio on loud banging and sawing.

I like working in my garden because it's zen. I find peace alone with the plants, so long as my allergies don't get too bad.  Lately though I've found it's too noisy outside. I'm not getting the peace. It's why I want to move away far far away.

Funnily enough I was told as a Sagittarius that when I move away in the middle of nowhere I'll miss the noise and the action of the big city. I'm not sure about that. I like the peace and quiet and being alone with plants and my pets.

This is just one of several vacation weeks I have planned this summer.

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