Saturday, May 28, 2011

If protesters don't get Assad, the Economy will

Article in the Time probably the best news I've read all week.  At least there seems to be an end in sight for the Syrian protesters. I am praying for them daily that they may reach their goals. It seems unfathomable to me that they would spend all this effort for no results.

Another article I read said that if the torturing of citizens that have been arrested is as wide spread as people believe it is, that is a sign of the failing regime. That no strong regime resorts to torturing it's people this much. Or alternatively Assad no longer has control over his security forces. It seems that they torture for fun, not even so much for effect.  It's pretty sad when some part of the population you live with seems to think that there are several levels of humanity and some people aren't human enough to be given human dignity and respect.

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