Saturday, April 30, 2011

More deaths as Syrians continue on their road to freedom

Syrians took to the streets 'en masse' after Friday prayers. They took to the streets in most cities, towns and villages. Everywhere they could. The armed forces is still attacking Deraa. The people there have 60 bodies in refrigerated trucks waiting to be buried, but they fear if the army or secret police find them, they will destroy them so there is no proof that all those people were killed by government forces. 

The UN security council failed to reach an agreement on condemning Syria for the brutal attacks on unarmed civilians. The 3 dissenting countries were Russia, China and Lebanon.  It bugs me that Lebanon voted against but I understand that they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They are immediate neighbours and many Lebanese and Syrians share common families and ancestries.  Still though the international community should come to the help of the Syrians like it has come to the help of Libyans.

The Syrians have a long road ahead but the will of the people will prevail!

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