Thursday, April 28, 2011

Montreal streets eerily quiet after Canadians lose to the Bruins in playoffs

The one thing I know about Montreal is that either winning or losing a hockey game during playoffs, especially to a rival like the Boston Bruins, can mean riots downtown. It's so unpredictable. It starts off like a peaceful party if we're winning or just disappointment if we lost and somehow gains momentum.

Last year after losing the playoff game, youth took to the streets threw bottles and rocks at police on horseback,  damaged store fronts and looted.

This year people after the game people just went home. Dozens of my friends vented their frustrations on Facebook, which is a better way then rioting.  

The city of Montreal had deployed as much police as it could to patrol the downtown core and to ride the subway to ensure to break any pocket of people that could start a riot, but it was quiet. Very quiet.

Now the Canadians can enjoy golf season!

1 comment:

  1. Montreal is special like that. When I took the metro to the train station on Tuesday night I saw hundreds of habs fan. Also on the train, I saw tons. They were pretty peaceful, maybe a bit rowdy but that's about it. The next day I read in the Gazette that the police were prepared with extra forces, riot police, the RCMP and extra security in general in case of a riot. I suppose the Mayor/Police are tired of having stores being broken, cars vandalized and etc. At least they were prepared. Oh Montreal!


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